Am I going to be OK?


For people going through life and career transitions 

Change is never easy. Life-changing incidents like breakups, divorce, pregnancy, new jobs, relocation, or a loss of a loved one can be heart-wrenching emotional transition laced with uncertainty, doubt and anxiety. But sometimes, it creates the perfect opportunity to align and unify yourself, as the transitions become the catalysts to guide and choose who you really want to be. What would your life look like, if you came out of this change in the most empowering SELF ever imaginable?


The fear of the unknown is so strong in us, it makes us crawl back into bed and disconnect from the world. Any transition big or small is uncomfortable and even painful. That is why support in navigating your emotions and mindsets during these challenging times is so important. Through this program, I am dedicated to support and guide you so you can come from a place clarity and ease when making important decisions crucial to heal and reemerge int your new life and future. We will learn how to manage your emotional rollercoaster so you can heal and empower and be the person who have always wanted to become.


  • Mindset assessment - includes everything in DISCOVER YOUR BLUEPRINT

  • Two to three 60-minute coaching sessions per month

  • Worksheets & homework to help move through your emotions, mindsets, and build your empowering visions and habits

  • Additional resources to aid deep healing during this transition period

  • Email & text support in between sessions for duration of the program

  • Audio recording of all 60-minute sessions if requested

4 Steps to Empowerment


We will unfold where you stand mentally, emotionally, and energetically today. By creating awareness around your current thoughts, beliefs, and patterns using diagnostic work and a mindset assessment, you will gain clarity on how you are viewing your situations and what stress-triggers to look out for.


Your healing journey starts here. We will dive deep to identify your pains, fears or anger, and how it is showing up in all areas. The goal is to release your emotions, thoughts, and actions that no longer serve you to move you forward. How far or how little you want to move the needle each session is totally up to you. 


Once the heavy emotional energies have diminished, the empowering process begins. Using proven tools and practices, we will create empowering visions of your ideal SELF and life. Reclaiming a new identity or a version you always wanted will emerge to come to life.


Our last step will be to consciously align your core values, non-negotiable, and visions to help your authentic SELF to shine through. Here, we will harmoniously bring all aspects of your visions, purpose and goals into actionable steps, allowing you to live life with joy and success again.

*Going through these processes may take anywhere from 4-6 months, with some longer who are highly invested in doing some deep personal work. 4-months minimum and up to 12-months.


What you will gain:

Whole-hearted support while you go through your life-altering transition.

A safe place to uncover and unload your fears, worries, doubts so you can heal.

Transformative engagements to find your core values, non-negotiable, goals and visions.

Strength to empower yourself and the confidence to know you will be ok.


Schedule a 30-minute complimentary call to see if I can help you on your journey.